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Protection of personal data - GDPR

ENPRAG, s.r.o., K Holyni 833/42, 154 00 Prague 5 - Slivenec, ID: 62743741

The company ENPRAG, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) conditions the registration and purchase on the e-shop by providing some personal data of Users (Buyers ). For Buyers, personal data will be processed by the Seller for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling the contract and the rights arising from it for the Buyer. By filling in the mandatory data in the registration form, you become a registered user of our online store and give your consent to their processing and use for sending the ordered goods and communicating with the customer.

This is in particular the following data:

  • first and last name
  • residential address
  • ID, TIN
  • email address
  • phone number
  • data box
  • biometric signature

The seller will handle all personal data in accordance with applicable legal regulations, in particular in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended, and is the administrator of personal data. Personal data will be fully secured against misuse. Personal data will not be shared with other administrators unless the Seller obtains the consent of the User (Buyer) for such sharing. The Seller may use the provided personal data beyond the scope of processing necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract only under the conditions of the Buyer's voluntary consent.

The buyer acknowledges that the e-mail address provided by him, provided in connection with the purchase of a product or service, can be used to send a commercial message by the Seller in accordance with Act No. 480/2004 Coll., as amended, with offering a similar product or service. In the event that the Buyer-addressee does not wish to receive further commercial communications, he may express his disapproval of the sending of commercial communications by clicking on the appropriate place in the commercial communications or by sending an e-mail containing the objection to the sending of commercial communications to the address obchod@

The Seller may entrust the processing of personal data to a third party as a processor. The Seller hereby informs the data subject, i.e. the User and the Buyer (hereinafter also referred to as "data subjects") of the rights arising from Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, i.e. in particular that the provision of personal data to the Seller is beyond the scope of processing necessary for the conclusion and performance of a voluntary contract, that the data subject has the right to access them, has the right to request in writing the controller to terminate the processing and deletion of personal data for which consent has been granted by the data subject, and further has the right to appeal in the event of a violation of his rights to the Office for the Protection of Personal Data and demand an appropriate remedy, which is, for example, the Seller refraining from such actions, removing the situation, providing an apology, making repairs or additions, blocking, payment of monetary compensation, as well as the use of other rights arising from § 11 and 21 of the Personal Data Protection Act.

If the data subject wishes to correct personal data that the Seller processes about him, he can request this at the email address or to the above postal address of the Seller.

The Buyer agrees that when taking over goods paid for by payment card or paid in advance by bank transfer, the Seller or the transporter entrusted with the delivery of the goods to the Buyer is entitled to verify the identity of the person taking over the goods with a personal document, i.e. ID card or passport, and record the number of a personal document, or other information identifying the person who took over the goods, to prevent fraud in the case of misuse of stolen payment cards and to protect the rights of the rightful owner of the payment card. The Buyer expressly consents to the Seller, as administrator, to record personal data in the manner mentioned in the previous sentence and to keep it for six months from the date of receipt of the goods. At the same time, the Buyer acknowledges that he has the rights according to the Act. No. 101/2000 Coll., i.e. in particular that the provision of data is voluntary, that he can withdraw his consent free of charge at any time at the administrator's address, that he has the right of access to personal data, and the right to correct such data, block incorrect data, dispose of it, and other rights. In case of doubts about the observance of rights, the Buyer has the right to contact the administrator or even directly to the Office for the Protection of Personal Data.

The company ENPRAG, s.r.o. may further process so-called "cookies" when providing consent to facilitate the provision of information society services, by the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC on the purpose of "cookies" or similar tools. For users to be aware of the information that is stored in the end device they use, ENPRAG establishes separate conditions for the use of cookies for this purpose here. Users have the option to refuse "cookies" or similar tools to be stored on their end devices, for example, by activating the anonymous browsing functionality in their browser.

The company ENPRAG, s.r.o. to prevent criminal activity and minimize damages, reserves the right to refuse the Buyer's order created from a blocked IP address if this IP address is on the so-called blacklist. In case of problems with the order, the Buyer can contact the company by e-mail or by phone 224 942 663.